Tuesday, May 30, 2006

In the 4th days after

Time is going so fast. I wish I can stop the time and review what I already did and make some correction of the wrong things. But I just a normal human being. This thinking, I put in the beggining of this update for us to do better in this life..
Update for more information about Earthquke rellief effort from friends and family and collegue.
Bali friend's idea
I talked to friend of mine who live in Bali and he is in Yogyakarta right now. He and his friends to do some rellief effor in bantul area. His mission is simple as mine, trying to help as far as he can, trying to 'cut' the administration cost of emmergency relief work. All opreational cost is his own responsiblities and all the money that he can gathered are directly to go to the victims' needs. I will put his fund raising proposal in this blog as well. Thanks to kemal Wahju-Vancouver friends who is helping me to translate this proposal. Budi Kusumo, is his name and he is originally from yogyakarta as well, but working in Bali for number of years already. I think his idea is just simple and briliant. He will also take some pictures that he will share it to us near future. For sure, I will keep you upadate if you still want to.

How about gathering funds in Canada/Vancouver area ? My rommate Robin have some sugestion that I should collect the funds and send it to Indonesia-to whoever need the most, or person, organization that are doing the work. I will prefer to send to the individual, or local organizations that are working in the field. It does not mean that I don't believe big organization, but I prefer without or less an "administration cost".

Rina are you okay?
I still trying to contact Yulia Rina Wijaya (former to-Canada Crossroad 1998), but unfortunatly I can not get hold on her yet. I believe she is really busy at the moment. So far, my understanding is that her family in Yogya and Bantul area are fine; But I am not too sure about that yet. She is working for the organization that has a emergency rellief program as well. Her organisation is might be good to get some help too.

Some other information;
- Thanks to Shwana Balwin-To Indonesia Xroads 97 and her family, who are committed to send some funds to Bethesda Hospital.
-Thanks to Ibu Wil who is spreading out the words and I will update the list of e-mails

-Here is I found a link of information about Earthquake in Yogyakarta; sorry if in Bahasa. http://helpjogja.net/

Looking forward to your feedback of this 'new blog'


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