Tuesday, November 09, 2010

when hand in hand is necessary

This is an effort from us, a few Indonesian community whom live in Vancouver, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada to help Yogyakarta and surrounding Merapi volcano. As you know, this volcano was erupted on October 26, 2010 for the first time in this disaster. After that, so many eruption was following. The evacuation area surrounding Merapi is become 20 kms distance from the summit of Merapi. As the last information, the Merapi eruption this time is the biggest eruption in century, bigger than its eruption on 1872 ( please read the link)…

A few of us, Indonesian community in Vancouver and Victoria has an idea of gathering hand in hand try to help as we can; As a matter a fact that we want this because we are care and not affiliate with any political or organization; We are independent and freely just try to help.

Any comment and ideas?